Here is an actual message I sent to Mitt Romney proposing a pay-for-exploitation scheme

Dear Mr. Romney,

I am contacting you to offer what I think is a mutually beneficial proposition. I am a politically disaffected American who has no stake in the upcoming presidential election. I am quite certain that I do not plan on voting. I have, however, been following the election process out of sheer curiosity. I want to applaud you on the success of your campaign thus far, but I do want to highlight an issue that I feel I can help rectify. I have noticed that when you are delivering your speeches, the ethnic makeup of the crowd behind you is relatively homogenous. Neither of us is naïve enough to believe that you will receive anything close to a majority of the popular minority vote, but it could be potentially detrimental to both your campaign and the Republican party as a whole if you are perceived to be unreceptive to diversity. Admittedly, I understand the struggles you must have securing a consistent brown face to showcase, especially when visiting key heartland states.  Luckily, I am here for you. I am a 21-year old, college educated, black male willing to become a permanent fixture of the Romney campaign. I can represent a number of groups of people whose interest you struggle to attract. No one would confuse me for anything other than a minority, but my fair complexion and freckles offer two distinct advantages:

1.)    I am effectively racially ambiguous; I am willing to be presented as both African American and Latino, if necessary.

2.)    I am less intimidating to your base.

For the bargain price of $10,000 per appearance, I am willing to appear at frequent campaign stops, right behind you in the camera’s view. I would be willing to negotiate a discounted price for multiple appearances in close temporal proximity of each other. For a premium, I am also willing to be photographed shaking hands, or even firmly embracing you. I urge you to strongly consider this offer, as I am confident that you would like to be president as much as I would like to get out of debt. Contact me at your leisure, and we can begin discussing a plan of action.


Brian Harris

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