
Like everyone else who likes the NBA, he likes hip hop and the Wire. Depending on the day, he is from either Detroit or Tampa. He is this blog’s resident soccer  football (maybe both kinds?) analyst, despite being the only one not to have ever left the country. Dude also has feelings. Lots of them.


Ian appreciates all sports, but is a particularly big fan of basketball at all levels (thanks mostly to his fellow SiU contributors, Brian and Sandro). He is an avid player of video games, listener of an eclectic music collection, and likes to list the things that he does that practically everyone else does in the developed world.He sometimes writes about things, which is why the idea of blogging with his friends sounded so damn appealing.

As a master of shameless self-promotion, he is legally obligated to say that he also has a blog for more personal stuff right here.


Jesse writes things on a highly irregular schedule. He is terrified of heights and large fish.


Above all things, Sandro loves baseball, Michigan football, and Michigan basketball. He enjoys discussing sports with the other members of this blog. He is, in his opinion, the undisputed champion of NBA 2K, NBA Jam, MLB: The Show (no competition), and Madden/NCAA Football among his friends, a self-proclaimed title in which he takes far too much pride.


Sam is from New York and will inform you of this fact constantly. He likes to front by reading first chapters of long books and listening to Bartok fast movements. He actually enjoys Roger Federer and The West Wing.

Not altogether unlike Brian, Sam also occasionally has feelings, mostly about sports and television. He will write about some of them here.

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